Sybex Mastering Visual Basic .Net 英文光碟正式版
Sybex Mastering Visual Basic .Net 英文光碟正式版
光是Sybex的Mastering系列就在市面上就是一個票房的保證了,Sybex 公司是專業
的電腦書的出版商,而他的大師系統 (mastering)更是許多學子所必須拜讀的專業
電腦書籍之一,這次配合Visual Basic .Net的上市,特別推出的大師系列 Sybex
Mastering Visual Basic .Net又要大撈一筆了!!
With the introduction of Visual Basic .NET, VB transcends its traditional
second-class status to become a full-fledged citizen of the object-oriented
programming, letting you access the full power of the Windows platform for
the first time. Written by the author of the best-selling Mastering Visual
Basic 6 this all-new edition is the resource you need to make a successful
transition to .NET. Comprising in-depth explanations, practical examples,
and handy reference information, its coverage includes:
01.Mastering the new Windows Forms Designer and controls
02.Building dynamic forms
03.Using powerful Framework classes such as ArrayLists and HashTables
04.Persisting objects to disk files
05.Handling graphics and printing
06.Achieving robustness via structured exception handling and debugging
07.Developing your own classes and extending existing ones via inheritance
08.Building custom Windows controls
09.Building menus and list controls with custom-drawn items
10.Using ADO.NET to build disconnected, distributed applications
11.Using SQL queries and stored procedures with ADO.NET
12.Facilitating database programming with the visual database tools
13.Building web applications with ASP.NET and the rich web controls
14.Designing web applications to access databases
15.Using the DataGrid and DataList web controls
16.Building XML web services to use with Windows and web applications
17.Special topics like the Multiple Document Interface and powerful
recursive programming techniques